domingo, julho 13, 2003

Da série "Por onde anda..."
# Alguém lembra dos Pet Shop Boys? Trilha sonora obrigatória de qualquer festinha americana - ou de qualquer festinha adolescente na Mikonos do Hotel Nacional - , os caras sumiram. Hoje, se bobear, só tocam no The Copa, onde aliás ouvi alguma música deles pela última vez. Domino Dancing, West End Girls... A minha preferida era being Boring, que se não me engano foi trilha sonora de novela. Alguém lembra de qual? Acho que foi Meu Bem Meu Mal, uma com a Silvia Pfeiffer e a Milla Christie. E o José Mayer, se não me engano.

Now I sit with different faces, in rented rooms and foreign places
All the people I was kissing some are here and some are missing
In the nineteen-nineties
I never dreamt that I would get to be the creature that I always meant to be
But I thought in spite of dreams you'd be sitting somewhere here with me...

'Cause we were never being boring, we had too much time to find for ourselves (...)
And we were never holding back or worried that time would come to an end
We were always hoping that, looking back you could always rely on a friend..

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